911 - HELP!!!
I Want You To Know
You're Not Alone!

If This Is You Currently

  • Do you have to tell your investors you can't pay interest?

  • Do you have to tell your life partner you just lost $ in a deal?

  • Do you have Guilt and Shame around losing money?

  • Are you beating yourself up because you got friends or family to invest in a project and that project went under - everyone lost their money?

  • Are you afraid your current real estate deals are going to be a loss?

  • Are you so stressed about the deals you're working on because you're worried you may lose peoples money?

  • Are you crying while tucking your kids into bed because of the stress of your real estate investments right now?

  • Are you at family gatherings and holidays trying to pretend you're ok when you're really not?

  • Are you emotionally eating?

  • Are you finding your stress all consuming?

  • Are you finding it hard to stay positive and raise capital for a project while you're having other projects not go well?

  • Are you sleepless?

  • Are you finding extra friction with those around you?

And This is Where You'd Like To Be

  • Feeling resourceful and clear on next steps

  • Patient and able to communicate well

  • Calm and collected so you can sleep and be well rested

  • Able to take the stress of what you are dealing with in your one project, and keep it from affecting other projects - or even more important - your home life

  • Staying on track with your goals in all areas, amongst the challenge

  • Have someone hear you that isnt an investor or partner that understands whats going on and can really help

  • Need someone to listen that really gets it - that you can just let it all out to

  • Have some real actionable steps that make you feel like you're on top of things

  • Have real strategies to handle the hard conversations

  • To having someone who has your back through this.

Then This 911 Call is For You!

Hi, I'm Melanie

Mindset Coach for Real Estate Investors

I'm a certified Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with decades of experience in executive coaching. My mission is to inspire investors to harness the power of their mind/thoughts to achieve the success they want and deserve!

Empowering you to reach your full potential.